Ariel Jones

in 326 years2 min

February Eve

"I:i Nwa-geet-harloda Sentient Beings." On Grand Island, we welcome everyone with this greeting from the First People, the Sistars honor in our daily rituals.

Tonight we prepare to welcome back the Light. It is February's Eve and the Lunar New Year. Although the ground may be bare, beneath the surface, things are changing. The stark beauty of Winter gives way to the Snow crocus and the snowdrops in the forests. The birds are growing in number and are beginning to sing. We are now at the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, the time we kiss Winter goodbye and embrace the first signs of Spring, or what I call the Quickening. The first signs of life on the new wheel.

Our Adepts prepared and decorated the Temple in fragrant orange-clove pomanders and planted seeds for the medicine gardens. It is the breath of fresh air we need here at the Temple to manifest our intentions and keep our connection to the World of Souls. It's our moment for calm, quiet, and cleansing for a fresh start. The Sistars sat with the High Advisor and received her blessings to recharge the Healing Well. February eve is the time for rebirth at the Temple and the Fire Tea ritual.

Tonight we build a fire to Sekhmet, our goddess of fire and healing, in the Great Hall. When the fire is roaring, we place handmade clay teacups made from the banks of the Niagara River and nestle them into the fire. We fill the cauldron with water from the Healing Well and brew the Fire Tea. Our members will drink, reflect, set intentions, and light a handheld candle. Charisma, our Head Adept, will lead the procession of Light outside through the beeswax candles on a snow path from the Great Yurt to the Winter Garden. Once the garden is filled with our Light, we kiss the cups, and smash them on the rocks to mark another year.

Will you observe Imbolc, St Brigid's Day, or Michaelmas in any way this year? Could you hear the quietest parts of your being? Did you receive a message affirming a new transformation of yourself? Share your thoughts or maybe your intention to try it next year.

Thank you for taking a few minutes with me, but I must get back to the Adepts. Here is a modified recipe that doesn't require an open fire. I invite you to some lighthearted reflection and enjoy a cup with us.


Fire Tea Latte

This latte is made over an open fire to imbue toasty notes into the tea. You can use coconut creamer or any milk or cream of choice. Enjoy the reflective time of February Eve.

PREP TIME 5 minutes

STEEP TIME 15 minutes

TOTAL TIME 20 minutes


  • 3 tablespoons black tea

  • 1 1/2 cups water

  • 3-4 cinnamon sticks

  • 2-3 star anise

  • 2 1/2 slices of ginger

  • 4 cloves

  • 3-4 cardamon pods, crushed

  • 1/2 tablespoon peppercorns

  • 3 cups choice of milk substitute or milk

  • maple syrup, to sweeten

  • sprinkle of tumeric, for garnish


  1. Warm the teapot with hot water. Prepare the tea by boiling the water and add maple syrup. Once the water starts boiling, add the milk, tea and spices and simmer for 10 minutes. Steep for 15 minutes off heat.

  2. With the assistance of a tea strainer, pour the tea into the teapot.

  3. Drink.

Enjoy the Season!